Sunday, May 17, 2020

Cell Phones Should Not Be Banned from School Property

As one enters any local high school in the United States, they will be sure to see teenage students with their cellular telephones in hand. One may say the use of cell phones should be banned on school property, however there are many instances in which that may not be the best idea. Parents need to know that their children are safe and those children need a way in which to contact their parents if an emergency arises. If their child is not permitted to have their cellular telephone with them at school, the parent loses that sense of security. Cellular telephones should not be banned for students’ use on school property for many reasons, including, emergency situations, changes in after school plans, and if the child commutes home on a school bus or walk. A common argument against this position is that cellular telephones should be banned on school property because of potential cheating, misuse, and harm, but all students should not be punished for the actions of some. There a re many of tools that students can utilize in order to cheat if that was their goal. Randi Weingarten is the parent of a child who’s school did impost a ban of the use of cellular telephones on school property. When speaking on the subject of teenagers using cell phones in order to cheat in class Weingarten says, â€Å"But does that mean we should ban any material that can be used for cheating- including pencils and pens†. Teachers and staff can help in making sure that students are not inappropriatelyShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Technology On Our Daily Life1259 Words   |  6 Pageshigh school are beginning to surface. Despite the fact that phones can be utilized educationally and serve as a learning too, this same technology can also be utilized negatively at the wrong time. In agreement with many teachers, â€Å"a fair amount of teachers say cell phones have officially replaced chewing gum as the new classroom menace. 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